Are You Ready To Remember The Truth Of Who You Really Are? Are You Ready To Activate Your Light Body's Divine Genome? 

Are You Ready To Remember The Truth Of Who You Really Are? Are you ready to activate your lightbody's Divine Genome? 
Enter your name and email/phone below to be notified when we host events... Your contact information is used to communicate sacred offerings from This Sophia Circle Journeys™ Ministry. You may unsubscribe at anytime.  
Enter your name and email/phone to be notified when we host our gatherings.. I NEVER SHARE YOUR CONTACT INFO and we ONLY  use it to communicate our sacred offerings and dates of  Sophia Circle Journeys™ . You may unsubscribe at anytime.  

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Dec 15th 2024 is Casey's next Sophia Circle Journey® where we will meet once a month throughout 2025 and also commit to going through Stargate 2 Curriculum with our Chapter Readings. 

This circle is dedicated to those who are embracing Divine Feminine Christ Leadership with the Stargate 2 Curriculum as it is a powerful mystery school for assisting in Divine Feminine Christ Leadership. 

Please input your contact info if you would like to set up an interview for Casey's Next Circle if you currently have or plan to have access to the Stargate 2 Mystery School Curriculum within The Sophia Code® ( link to Stargate 2 will appear after you enter in your contact info. )

Stargate 2 is a life changing curriculum that helps you clarify your purpose, define your brand, improve your self-care practices, and discern important boundaries for your leadership to thrive. You’ll learn how to recognize three Divine Feminine archetypes guiding your leadership from within: The Creatrix, The Healer, and The Teacher.

Here's What Others Are Saying About The Sacred 13 Week Gathering With Casey, A Certified Sophia Circle Journey® Leader.


"I would hope these words convey the beautiful experience of a Sophia Code Circle Journey® lead by Casey, but the truth is, it can only be experienced to truly be understood. It’s a divine communion with our higher-self and energies of pure light and love. A much needed reminder of the sovereign beings that we are through a 13-week sacred journey. The initiations were timely and humbling which reaffirmed, over and over, the reason my soul said yes to this beautiful upgrade. I would absolutely encourage you to be courageous and follow your heart if it beckons you." 


“This circle, this book, changed my life! It was a complete spiritual upgrade. I cannot fully express how special this experience was to me and how it has changed my daily life. I feel certain I will be doing the 13 week circle again and again.”


"I attended all 13 Sophia Code circles facilitated by Casey and to say they were life changing would be an understatement. This work changed my DNA! Casey holds such powerful yet graceful space for these circle and the Sophia Code work is truly transformation for anyone wanting to upgrade their life. I’ll be doing it again. Thank you Casey".


"Experiencing the depth of The Sophia Code orchestrated by Casey's Sophia Circle Journeys® was transformative to say the least! Something I plan to do again with her specifically. It was an epic union of magickal energies woven by Casey's faith & influence. An amazing opportunity! Grateful for the sacred upgrades with direct assistance from the Ascended Masters. Thank you, Casey!"


"The journey through the Sophia Code guided by Casey was a life changing experience. Her fierce compassionate grace guiding us through a 13 week journey of transformation, DNA changing, energy aligning codex. I hold so much love & gratitude for you Casey. Listen to your heart. If it’s calling you here…it’s for a life changing reason. I thank myself every day for saying YES to myself & being open to this journey. I’ll definitely be going through this again!"


"Oh my! I am still in AWE! I loved these 13 weeks! I love the help they gave me to validate that I am a warrior of light and yes I am sovereign and free.  I am so excited to apply and pay it forward for others to see this beauty and this amazing gift! Love to you Casey."


"Casey held such an incredible space for miracles to occur. Her dedication to awakening humanity to our full potential shows. If you are on the fence about doing the Sophia Circle Journey®, just clear your schedule and show up. You can do it and the time is NOW!"

I Share This Codex And Offering Because I Believe In The Power of Your Higher Self And The Sacred Initiations Bound Between These Two Covers. I Know Once You Begin To Work With These Initiations, You Will Be Looking For A Sacred Space With Your Fellow Light Workers. 

Already Have This Sacred Codex? Get Connected With Us And Notified When We Have Sophia Circle Journeys™.